Posted by : Vry Drive
Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012
Aura is something, arguably so because a lot of things that m, empengaruhi aura. aura colors sometimes seem obvious to someone at a certain moment, It is influenced by psychological factors, environmental and spikologi keyakinan.Dalam also been recognized that every person has a certain personality and character. Aura color will not cheat who you really are.Aura color is part of the state of a person, who shows personality, character, and mental health.With regard to the color of the aura can be described as follows.
1) REDReveals aktiviti life and symbolizes the will or the will is very large. People who have a red aura is insensitive and ego, pemompin, like criticizing, easily agitated and always felt that it was he who benar.Dia also represents a rather competitive, courageous act, determined strong and resourceful as well.Kindness has a red aura is that they strive to be leaders and have a clear focus to achieve goals.Vices have a red aura is difficult to work with anyone but each get what they want. They are quarrelsome, selfish and insensitive.2) OrangeReveal the warmth. People who have orange auras like with worldly pleasures, challenges, fancy, help others, and do not like to be alone in the guard or follow.Goodness they have the aura orange are resourceful and creative. In addition they are very brave and have the ability to judge who is friend and who the opponent.Vices have orange auras is that they are too selfish. Many of the people who beraura orange, do not like to marry and prefer solitude.3) YELLOWReveals an intellectual. People who have a yellow aura like to please others. Love humor and love to make people laugh. They like to take risks, a sensitive and easily concerned. Loyal and loves freedom.Kindness has a yellow aura is they like to exercise, very concerned about the appearance of self and the importance of
good health.
Vices have a yellow aura is a bit shy when they see themselves in an unknown environment. In addition, they are rebellious, and do not like to share your feelings of sadness or problems with others.4) GREENReveals the freshness and tranquility. Have thought that fast, brilliant and clever. Do not like being told and have personality and attractive appearance. But the ugliness is this guy, especially if the patient does not hear complaints or concerns of others. Beraura the green is bad, they were unbelievably aggressive and believes that everyone should agree with his views. It's hard to admit mistakes he had committed. Kindness has a green aura, they have a strong personality. And very few people can argue with them.5) BLUEReveal the fidelity, Someone who is easy to give attention to others and good berkomunikasi.Cenderung change yourself if something is not pleased with himself. A sensitive and has a very strong instinct. He can merasaan, if something would happen.The goodness of people who have a blue aura, they are able to feel and know what other people think. They also have many friends because they liked a lot of people easily.Evil people who have a blue aura, they are very dramatic when relating to love and they are good at manipulating others.6) INDIGOExpress this profound wisdom. A soft and weak. Have pale white skin and do not like to leave the house. Has a childish nature kanakkan sensitive and have feelings. Less responsible, likes and membangakan glorify yourself. Goodness has indigo aura, they have the mental strength that is very deep. Ills they are less good at communicating and prefer to be alone.7) U N G UReveals a profound spiritual or spirituality. A dynamic and charismatic. Have feelings of compassion and sympathy easily. In addition it may be interested in music and a good friend.
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